
Founder Members of the IBF proclaimed that the aims and objectives of the Foundation are to:

· Contribute to the promotion of lasting peace through the teachings of the Lord Buddha (the Dhamma)

· Promote the practice of the Buddhist way of life, which is compatible with the universal norms of moral and social ethics among the world community;

· Encourage studies and discussions that will increase public awareness of the Buddhist philosophy in the promotion of universal peace and understanding and provide facilities for learning Buddhism;

· Foster friendship and harmony with the Swiss and international communities; · Provide opportunities for meditation leading to awareness and mental discipline;

· Mobilise resources and provide humanitarian assistance;

· Maintain dialogue with other world religions.

Our Monks | Commitee of IBF 2020

Opening Hours

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Contact Us

International Buddhist Foundation
Quai des Vernets 1,
1227 Les Acacias – Geneva,
Tel:41 22 301 08 59

IBF Email : ibfgeneva1991@gmail.com

IBF Projects Email : info@ibf-geneva.org

IBF © 2025. All Rights Reserved.