About the Project

With the increasing number of spiritual guidance seekers, IBF has felt the necessity of moving to a modest spacious place for the continuance of its benevolent services to the needy. With Buddhism emerging as a scientific discipline with no dogma, an expanded Buddhist temple could potentially become a spiritual home, for not just the seekers, but it will also enable the formation of a larger community that will engage in our activities, ensure the sustainability, and spread the path of the Dhamma. This Temple will become the platform that will help in the spiritual development of the seekers through regular meditation programs, gatherings, routine activities, with the blessings of the triple gem.

Opening Hours

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Contact Us

International Buddhist Foundation
Quai des Vernets 1,
1227 Les Acacias – Geneva,
Tel:41 22 301 08 59

IBF Email : ibfgeneva1991@gmail.com

IBF Projects Email : info@ibf-geneva.org

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